Monday, 19 August 2013

Effectiveness of Transformation

Every organization faces challenges. Often the case is that, at any point of time, one department of the organization may perform extremely well while some other department may not. The real challenge is to carry the organization forward through these hurdles through support and cooperation. This is very well demonstrated by the Valley Crossing Exercise.


The Valley Crossing Exercise

As the photo depicts, there are 3 people who are carrying a bamboo with them. The bamboo represents the organization and the 3 people represent the different departments. The 3 people have to cross a valley safely and reach the other side. The width of the valley is such that at any instant, it will completely have a person hanging on the bamboo and the hanging person will have to be supported by the other two persons.


During the exercise, anyone of the three persons can be at the following three risk levels:

Risk free (safe) – Completely on ground

Half Risk – One half on ground and the other half hanging

Full Risk – Completely hanging


TRUST :  The single most important factor for their success was the trust factor. Trust was necessary for them because when somebody was in full risky state all of his hope were on the other two and if any of the two failed then he could have fallen into the valley. But he kept on the faith and made it to the other side of the valley . Similarly even in commercial level we need to trust others. We need to trust other people and have faith in their talent and capability.


 SHARING OF RESPONSIBILITY :  At all the positions while crossing everyone shared equal responsibility.At no time was any person more responsible for a success/failure than the other one and this defines why they had success in the end. They showed great responsibility while carrying each other. Similarly in our business world we need to share and take responsibility . Unless we take it ourselves nothing would be beneficial for us. Once we start taking it and execute it properly we will see results showing good in our favor as well.

FOCUS :  Focus was one thing that they did not lose. Until they had reached their goal they did not even shifted their focus for a single bit. This defines a true quality of an entrepreneur. One should never lose focus till one has reached where he had aspired for.

COORDINATION : Nothing would have been possible unless there was coordination at place. If they had lost a single bit of coordination  at any point then the whole idea would have failed. Similarly in our business world we need to coordinate things properly. If not done well the whole thing could go haywire resulting in utter failure of the concept in spite of hard work.This coordination should be there all throughout the hierarchy of the organization .


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